Between 2013 and 2017 the Rotary Club of Wall Street New York organized the Haiti Entrepreneurship Camp in cooperation with the Rotary Club de Delmas/Aéroport and the Lufthansa Help Alliance to train local Entrepreneurs to improve their businesses. The organizations provided strong support through business connections, speakers, and publicity for the camp which has allowed the program to succeed and grew rapidly.

Overall approximately 100 entrepreneurs received training and benefited from follow-up sessions. – The major activity was a three weeks long boot camp starting out with an assessment of the current situation of the participating entrepreneurs, followed by focus modules such as Finance, Business Models, New Product Development, Marketing & Sales, and Human Resources & Leadership. The Program also included a Networking Market Place where participants had the chance to meet different local organizations such as banks, consulting companies, other accelerators, chamber of commerce etc. Furthermore the program made sure to follow-up with the Alumni on offer individual mentor and coaching sessions.
All sessions were hosted by international and local business expert volunteering their time

The program quickly caught medias attention. We had the chance to present the program at the Rotary UN Day in NY, as well as got featured in Forbes as well as the Rotarian Magazine

Furthermore we had the chance to create our own documentary, following the success stories of program as well as interviewing international and local experts on the economic situation in Haiti. – The film was premiered at the Annual Charity Film Screening of the Rotary Club of Wall Street NY. – The screening was followed by a panel discussion starring experts from Rotary International, the United Nations, the Haiti Center for Investment as well as Lufthansa.